Chess Openings Wizard Professional has every tool you need to design your openings and defenses.
Want to use the strongest chess engines? COW comes with some of the strongest, and you can swap in the engine you like best as the new ones come out. Currently the strongest is Stockfish 16.1 which is included.
Want to make your diagram look like Chess Life or an old Informant? The diagram options have that.
Want to purchase complete repertoires ready to expand and train yourself? We have those.
Want to import PGN games that you played online or that you pulled from a game database? Done.
Do you play on lichess and want to instantly bring in your last game to see how it compared to your repertoire? One click is all it takes (after two minutes to set it up).
Paste in PGN and FEN from the clipboard? Of course.
Create endgame and tactics studies? All the functions you need to create them are in there.
Back up your work to a free Dropbox account so that you will never lose it? We recommend using this integration. You'll also use it to move your openings to your iPhone, iPad, or Android device so that you can study on the go.
Limited to 150TB per database? (If you know what a terabyte is, you know that is hardly a limit. We're poking fun at other chess software with arbitrary file size limitations.)
Final super duper thing that sets COW apart from every chess app: You get support directly from the programmer. (Try to get answers some time from the actual programmer of any other app you use.)